7. Estimation results
Tables 1 and 2 show basic descriptive statistics and unit root test results (IPS test statistics) for approved FDI and realized FDI, respectively. On average, both approved and realized FDI is about 8 standard deviations in logarithmic scale. From Table 1, the mean logarithm of relative GDP is 3.30, suggesting that on average Cambodia’s GDP is three times less than that of the investing country. Similar interpretations can be given for the relative exchange rate, political risk and other explanatory variables.
As can be seen from the last columns of Tables 1 and 2, the standardized t-bar test statistics of almost all coefficients are highly statistically significant at 1 per cent, except for LAFDI and LRIR which are statistically significant at the 5 per cent level. These results show that both dependent and explanatory variables are all stationary. However, on the basis of the intercorrelations, the variance inflation factor (VIF), it is found that labour productivity LRLP, used as a proxy for the relative real wage rate, is highly correlated with some other explanatory variables. Dropping LRLP significantly reduces VIF, suggesting less collinearity between the remaining explanatory variables, which in turn increases the usefulness and the degrees of stability for the estimated coefficients. Also, when included in the regression, the LRLP variable is highly insignificant. Consequently, LRLP has been excluded from the model for both approved and realized FDI. The test for heteroskedasticity and the collinearity check are reported along with the econometric results.
7. การประเมินผลตารางที่ 1 และ 2 แสดงพื้นฐานอธิบายสถิติและหน่วยราก (สถิติทดสอบ IPS) ผลทดสอบสำหรับ FDI ได้รับการรับรอง และการรับรู้ FDI ตามลำดับ โดยเฉลี่ย FDI อนุมัติ และรับรู้เป็นส่วนเบี่ยงเบนมาตรฐานประมาณ 8 ในมาตราส่วนลอการิทึม จากตารางที่ 1 ลอการิทึมเฉลี่ยของ GDP สัมพันธ์เป็น 3.30 แนะนำที่เฉลี่ยของกัมพูชา GDP เป็นครั้งที่สามน้อยกว่าที่ประเทศผู้ลงทุน จะได้รับการตีความที่คล้ายกันสำหรับอัตราแลกเปลี่ยนสัมพันธ์กัน ความเสี่ยงทางการเมือง และตัวแปรอธิบายอื่น ๆAs can be seen from the last columns of Tables 1 and 2, the standardized t-bar test statistics of almost all coefficients are highly statistically significant at 1 per cent, except for LAFDI and LRIR which are statistically significant at the 5 per cent level. These results show that both dependent and explanatory variables are all stationary. However, on the basis of the intercorrelations, the variance inflation factor (VIF), it is found that labour productivity LRLP, used as a proxy for the relative real wage rate, is highly correlated with some other explanatory variables. Dropping LRLP significantly reduces VIF, suggesting less collinearity between the remaining explanatory variables, which in turn increases the usefulness and the degrees of stability for the estimated coefficients. Also, when included in the regression, the LRLP variable is highly insignificant. Consequently, LRLP has been excluded from the model for both approved and realized FDI. The test for heteroskedasticity and the collinearity check are reported along with the econometric results.
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