The process of peer educator selection begins with general
recruitmentdpublicizing the opportunity to apply to be a peer
educator throughout the school, including eligibility criteria,
participation requirements, and the application process. Program
advisors participate in training that directs them to seek a group
of peer educators who will be broadly representative of the
student bodydbalanced racially or ethnically, by student population
subgroups, and by gender. Each aspirant submits an
application, which includes parental permission for participation.
All applicants are invited to participate in a group interview,
in which they participate in activities designed to assess how
they function within a group (e.g., share verbal space, show
respect for others’ opinions, willingness to share own feelings
and views). Applicants then participate in a brief individual
interview. Additionally, the names of all applicants are shared
with selected school staff who are asked to rate each student
using a five-point scale (poor to excellent) on their reliability,
leadership, ethics, ability to be a team player, and attendance.
Program advisors then meet to make their final selection.