Predation potential of the larval odonates Ceriagrion coromandelianum and Brachydiplax chalybea chalybea
on the II and IV instar larvae of Culex quinquefasciatus was evaluated under simulated natural conditions
in the laboratory. A type II functional response was exhibited by the odonates, with the attack rate and
handling time differing significantly between prey sizes for C. coromandelianum. The per capita prey consumption
varied between vegetated and open habitat conditions and between the days as reflected
through the Clearance Rate (CR). Results of univariate ANOVA revealed that prey consumption varied significantly
(P < 0.05) with the prey and predator densities for both the odonate predators, whereas habitat
structure had significant effects only in case of B. chalybea chalybea. Thus, the use of larvae of C. coromandelianum
and B. chalybea chalybea can facilitate conservation and biological control simultaneously under
suitable habitat conditions.