The first non-human war began in 1974 at Gombe between the primary Kasekela and the splinter Kahama groups. The war lasted four years – ending only when the last member of the Kahama group was dead.
Jane bore witness to great acts of compassion, considered a human trait, during her time at Gombe. In 1987, Spindle adopted Mel, an orphan whose mother died of pneumonia, even though the infant was not a close relative.
Researchers began to notice in 1994 that male chimps sometimes lead females away to establish brief monogamous relationships, to ensure that the female's offspring are theirs.
Also during that year, researchers discovered that chimps teach each other. Upon joining the Kasekela group, a former member of the Mitumba community imparted his knowledge of using twigs to catch carpenter ants to Flossi.
There is evidence to suggest that chimps deliberately eat medicinal plants (e.g. Aspilla leaves) to relieve stomach pains or reduce internal parasites. This was first noticed in 1995.
In 1995 and then again in 1998, the birth of twins was witnessed.
More recently, scientists discovered that females and males learn differently when fishing for termites.