「Good morning, master.」
「Ah Spica, morning.」
The morning of the next day, Yuuto was awoken by Spica's words.
「You were late in returning last night. Where were you?」
She laughed, but it didn't reach her eyes. Spica's expression was that of a newly married woman investigating a cheating husband.
「Ahaha. I had a meeting regarding the job.」
「I see. A meeting? If master says its a meeting, then that's what happened. As I had found the smell of a woman stuck on your clothes……I had thought that you had met with Olivia.」
The dog-eared Lycan's had a greater sense of smell than humans. It was probably why Spica found out.
「Well, don't sulk. Because I'll tease Spica first tonight.」
「Mu〜. Do you promise……?」
Hearing Yuuto's reply, Spica puffed out her cheeks.
「……Eh? Luna isn't here?」
「I'm sorry, Yuuto-kun. When I went looking for her, I found a letter stating that she had already gone to subjugate the ghoul alone.」
He suddenly realized something. Because of what happened last night, Yuuto couldn't really blame Luna for that.
「She seemed to have misunderstood what happened yesterday. I had explained myself, but I couldn't persuade her. I really am sorry. I seemed to have troubled Yuuto-kun.」
「Don't worry about it. It wasn't Olivia's fault.」
Last night, he had gone with the flow and was at fault for using curse magic. Several bad luck piled up to cause trouble.
「Yuuto-kun. Could you go look for her? Her ability as an adventurer is great……but she has trouble controlling her emotions. I had wanted an adventurer to help her, because I was uneasy to let her go alone.」
「I understand. I'll try to do as much as possible.」
While it was an unexpected development, the trouble could become convenient. Due to his 『Ability Plunder』, Yuuto had stolen 7 unique abilities and 5 attributes of magic. Without an outside, he could fight without hiding his ability. It was sad that he couldn't work with a beautiful girl, but he'd lose if he minded it.