Generally, most of treatment effects were contributed by
CO2 enrichment; no progeny and interaction effects
between two factors were observed on all parameters. As
weeks progressed, plant total biomass showed an
increasing trend with those enhanced under CO2 enrichment
being enhanced significantly in all weeks measured
(Fig. 1). However, total biomass of oil palm seedling
under 800 and 1,200 lmol/mol was significantly more
than the control from week 3 onwards till the end of the
experiment although differences between elevated 800
and 1,200 lmol/mol were not observed. The highest
biomass increment was shown from weeks 12 to 15 with
elevated treatments (800 and 1,200 lmol/mol) where total
plant biomass had increased by 1.6-fold from the previous
week 12 (62.88 g/plant) to week 15 (225.5 g/plant)
compared to total plant biomass from the ambient treatment
(400 lmol/mol) which had increased only by onefold
(34.2 vs 105.81 g/plant for the 12th and 15th week,