- Apply the transportation license
- The lawyer feedback the result of applying the transportation license. The lawyer
informed us that the government office required us to clarify more details and
and documents. They are as below:-
1. The last page of Title deed of NDT - Already prepared
2. The photo of TC Zero Logistics office (inside / outside) - Already provided to the
lawyer since Mar'14 - Already prepared
3. Copy insurance of the trailers - HR already agreed to buy the insurance of trailer with
Tokyo Marine. Now waiting Tokyo Marine's process.
4. Service contract (TC Zero Logistics' customers) - The lawyer already drafted us the
service contract, and signed by Kh.Apichai. Kh.Keng Hock advised to mention the service
charge rate as 50,000 baht/month - Already prepared
- Re-submit these pending documents to the lawyer
- Re-apply the transportation license
- The officer will come to visit the office after submitting the documents 15 days
- Get the transportation business license (Upon the officer visiting result)
To test the trailer operation before finishing the building Semi-Trailer Process. We
will test these Semi-Trailer at NC (Chonburi). We will test them for both loading
and unloading by using our Subaru 3 units.
- Slide on : 2 drivers
- Semi-Trailer : 2 drivers , 2 assistant drivers
We already finished recruiting the driver for 4 people. They will start to work with
us since June'14 onwards.
- Manual : We already requested Zero Japan to provide the manual together
with the photo, and video before their next business trip, in order for us to pass
those material toour Training Academy, to support to have the appropriate training
course for our Thai drivers.
- Training cost : We have 2 cost for traning, which they are as below:-
1. Manual translation : 11,830 Baht
2. Driver training cost at TTK 9000 Baht / person (4 drivers, cost : 36,000 Baht)
(Waiting Kh.Keng Hock approves on this training cost)
- Lecture is divided into 2 parts, which they are theory and practical at LKB
- Participants : 4 new drivers, 3 people from Zero Japan, 1-2 people from Academy team
and 1 of TCZL (Noon)
- Training academy team proposed to train the product knowledgment of Fuso and Man
trailer product.