Good evening,
Sorry for step in this matter.
I would like to inform your team know my reason denied to check form D in advance.
1.We never been requested from customer in Thailand.
2.You have a duty and responsibility by directly to check correct C/O
3.Your team did not accept our recommendation. No need to check it in advance any way.
We had suggested your team several time to arrange C/O on base of correct and completely. Such as.-
Box No.3
Departure date: On Board Date.
Vessel's name/Aircraft etc.: ................ VOY No.......
Port of discharge: Bangkok, Thailand.
Box No.6
(Marks and numbers on packages)
No Marks or (if any)
Box No.7
Fill the details as same as details on invoice.
Other issues.
Finally, If your team cannot solve the customers' sustainability. I think this is the reason for the referral of clients to cancel your service.
We get standard AEO. So we must be working on base of correct only.