The above figure shows the architecture of two-tier. Here the direct communication between client and server, there is no intermediate between client and server.
Let’s take a look of real life example of Railway Reservation two-tier architecture:
Let’s consider that first Person is making Railway Reservation for Mumbai to Delhi by Mumbai Express at Counter No. 1 and at same time second Person is also try to make Railway reservation of Mumbai to Delhi from Counter No. 2
If staff from Counter No. 1 is searching for availability into system & at the same staff from Counter No. 2 is also looking for availability of ticket for same day then in this case there is might be good change of confusion and chaos occurs. There might be chance of lock the Railway reservation that reserves the first.
But reservations can be making anywhere from the India, then how it is handled?
So here if there is difference of micro seconds for making reservation by staff from Counter No. 1 & 2 then second request is added into queue. So in this case the Staff is entering data to Client Application and reservation request is sent to the database. The database sends back the information/data to the client.
In this application the Staff user is an end user who is using Railway reservation application software. He gives inputs to the application software and it sends requests to Server. So here both Database and Server are incorporated with each other, so this technology is called as “Client-Server Technology“.
The Two-tier architecture is divided into two parts:
1) Client Application (Client Tier)
2) Database (Data Tier)
On client application side the code is written for saving the data in the SQL server database. Client sends the request to server and it process the request & send back with data. The main problem of two tier architecture is the server cannot respond multiple request same time, as a result it cause a data integrity issue.
Easy to maintain and modification is bit easy
Communication is faster
In two tier architecture application performance will be degrade upon increasing the users.
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