Credit 6.2: Stormwater Design – Quality Control (1 point)
This topic gives special emphasis to a stormwater quality’s control. Project should have an implementation plan for stromwater management. Using alternative surfaces and nonstructural concepts as well integrating the natural and mechanical systems for sustainable design can be potential alternatives for earning this credit.
Credit 7.1: Heat Island Effect – Nonroof (1 point)
The emphasis here has an objective to minimize heat impact for non-roof area by provide more shade areas from building components, selecting construction materials which has a high heat reflection rate, or using open grid pavement system. For ability of construction materials to reflect solar heat, it is indicated by SRI index which stands for Solar Reflectance Index.
There are various techniques applied for gaining this credit. Designer can use shade from either adapted trees or exterior building structures. Additionally, addressing more green surface, considering high-albedo material uses (e.g. concrete), and employing light-colored asphalt surface can support sustainable design especially for heat impact.
Credit 7.2: Heat Island Effect – Roof (1 point)
The emphasis here has same objective as Credit 7.1 mentioned above but it is applied for roof area. It indicates that roofing materials need to meet one of 3 proposed options: 1) cover at least 75% of roof surface with high-albedo materials that meet established SRI index, 2) cover a minimum 50% of roof area with green materials, and 3) combination of first two options by also meeting criteria (75% for high-albedo surface and 50% vegetated surface).
Credit 8: Light Pollution Reduction (1 point)
Reducing light pollution is main goal for this subcategory. Under this credit, the safety is maintained along to light pollution minimization. It is required for both interior and exterior lighting. Some strategies are proposed such as using automatic device to control lighting, using low-reflectance surface, and increasing opening sight.
Catergory2: Water Efficiency
Prerequisite1: Water Use Reduction
This subdivision is primary requirement which is the first step for project before get the credit in further step. It encourages project to be concerned about using water efficiently. Reducing water usage also reduces workload of public water supply and wastewater systems. This requirement will be achieved if project uses water with 20% less than baseline value. The baseline is calculated for each building by estimating usage of building’s users. This