Gateways to the City, the Hyde Park community and its neighbourhoods can be created through street, site and building design.
The Hyde Park Community is a gateway to the City, being located at the north-west edge of London’s urban boundary. The Community. Gateway should encompass both public and private lands. The design guidelines for the commercial property will consider in greater detail the streetscape at Fanshawe and Hyde Park Roads.
Consideration should be given to the relationship of the gateway
features with the building mass and architecture on adjacent lands.
The gateway could include elements such as the design and
placement of light standards, bus stops, landscaped medians, street
trees and enhanced intersections. The gateway should create a
sense of place, be attractive, and stimulate a feeling of "ownership"
and "pride" for the future residents
The entrance to the neighbourhoods of Hyde Park should establish
a sense of identity. A strong architectural edge is proposed to
accentuate the Gateway. The building placement along with the
landscape treatment can create a sense of entry or arrival.
"Grand boulevards" with centre medians could be used as gateways
into the neighbourhoods of Hyde Park. Grand boulevards may be
appropriate where collector streets connect to arterial roads within
the neighbourhoods of Hyde Park.