Detailed Description
Good Day
We at VQ Products focus on the retail market with a host of different products, we are looking for a supplier that can help us add 6 - and 12 inch odor free natural bully sticks for pets to our range.
We would like to know if you would do private labelling for VQ Products, and if so can you provide us with more information regarding this.
Do you do the packaging design in house; if not can you provide us with the specifications or send a template.
Can you also provide us with the Pricing Tiers for ordering (Price Sheet/catalog)?
How long will it take to private label and then get the product ready to Ship.
If I need to order a sample - how can I arrange this?
What is the setup regarding the buying process (payment methods).
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Thank you for your time.
Henno E Cronje
VQ Products