You must remember that Sadhana of any of these Ten Maha Vidyas must be done under the guidance of a proper Guru. Only by reading books and mantras it is not possible to do Sadhana (Practice) of any of these ten Maha Vidyas. Initiation from a proper Guru is must. For those who live in society, have families to take care of, I suggest not to do Sadhana of Ugra or SoumyoGra categories. On many web sites and in many books different mantras of these Maha Vidyas are given which are actually forbidden to practice without a Diksha ( Initiation ) and Guidance of a proper Guru. You may browse through this section for basic information but do not try to practice any of these Maha Vidyas without the guidance of a Guru. Do not put the pictures of these Goddesses in your Altar if you are not initiated by a Guru of that particular Maha Vidya. May Maa Aadi Shakti Bless You.
- Guruji Shri Yogesh