A remarkable regularity appears in these experiments: the valuation of the
prototype and the extension of the set base-rate or duration. contribute in strictly
additive fashion to the global judgment see also Anderson, 1996, p. 253.. The
participants in these experiments appear to reason as follows: ‘‘this medical
procedure is quite painful, but it is short’’ or ‘‘this medical procedure is quite
painful, and it is also long.’’ In contrast to the logic of global evaluation, which
requires multiplicative or quasi-multiplicative effects of extension, the size of the
set is used as an extra feature in this reasoning.
A remarkable regularity appears in these experiments: the valuation of theprototype and the extension of the set base-rate or duration. contribute in strictlyadditive fashion to the global judgment see also Anderson, 1996, p. 253.. Theparticipants in these experiments appear to reason as follows: ‘‘this medicalprocedure is quite painful, but it is short’’ or ‘‘this medical procedure is quitepainful, and it is also long.’’ In contrast to the logic of global evaluation, whichrequires multiplicative or quasi-multiplicative effects of extension, the size of theset is used as an extra feature in this reasoning.
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