How to Set up the above Circuit:
For setting up procedure, the sample power supply should be connected across the points where the battery is connected, the mosfet does not require any attention initially. DO NOT connect the battery while carrying out this procedure.
Also keep the 22k preset link disconnected initially.
Apply the higher threshold level across the above mentioned points and adjust the 10K preset such that the RED LED just switches ON. Seal the adjusted preset with some glue.
Now reconnect the 22k preset link back into position.
Next, reduce the sample voltage to the lower threshold value and adjust the 22k preset such that now the green LED just lights up, while switching OFF the RED LED. If you find no response from the circuit try using a 100K preset instead of the 22k preset.
Seal the adjusted preset as above.
The setting up of the circuit is over and done.
Please note that during actual operations, the above circuit will remain functional only as long as a battery stays connected at the shown points, without a battery the circuit will not detect or respond.