The UTMC UT1750AR operates in its native RISC language
mode or MIL-STD-1750A ISA mode. As a MIL-STD-1750A
microprocessor, the UT1750AR requires 8K x 16 of ROM to
map the MIL-STD-1750A instruction set into the native RISC
machine language instructions. Each MIL-STD-1750A opcode
has a unique RISC code macro in the external ROM. The
UT1750AR executes the corresponding resident RISC code
macro to perform the MIL-STD-1750A instruction
requirements. When in this mode and operating with a 12 MHz
clock, the UT1750AR can throughput 600 KIPS using the DAIS
mix (800 KIPS @ 16 MHz).