F.Taylor became a founder of the “scientific labor organization” and, in fact, seriously studied the concept of “
system of labor payment”. The system of S.Bedo continued this idea. As Ian Kessler says, around 30% of firms in
machinery applied piecework wages. However, even at that time there were known the systems according to the
individual merits. Like some others D. Shloss offered to take qualitative indicators for the basis. A.Turgort
developed the systems of employees participation in benefit. The industrialization period was connected with
industrial enterprises. The firm’s owners were the developers as a rule. The growing role of piecework wages
strengthened the interest of the researchers. In the scientific sphere they came to the conclusion that the workers are
interested not only economically. It pushed to develop various social approaches. The more comprehensive
assessment of the workers labor started to move to the foreground. For example, the valuation of ‘business skills’ was
very popular. The personal merits were in the limelight.
Analyzing the systems of payment in different periods of time, it is worth to distinguish their main features. This
question is studied by the doctor of economical science E.G.Novoselova (table2).