And, by her side, there stood two people. It was Wang Long and Lan Yanzhi. At that moment, Lan Yanzhi’s face was full of panic—also some shame—but even more, there was fear.
As for Wang Long, his face was ecstatic. His eyes were widened even larger than a cow’s and they exuded an eerie glint. His tongue uncontrollably licked his own lips. That thirty, lecherous wolf acted as if he obtained the sheep he dreamed of having. His desire surged forth and he was soon to lose himself.
“Yanzhi, you’ve done well. Haha, go, go farther. I don’t want anyone disturbing me and your sister Lan Xi.” Wang Long waved his hand, telling Lan Yanzhi to leave. His beastly nature was about to explode.
“Brother Long, you still haven’t laid the Spirit Formation for imitating the Aphrodisiac Beast,” Lan Yanzhi reminded.
“Leave! Do you think I need you to remind me about this?” Wang Long was a bit angry. He waved his hand, and a gale immediately came forward. It blew Lan Yanzhi several meters away, then as he willed, a Concealment Formation was born from his thoughts. It enveloped him and Lan Xi within, and separated Lan Yanzhi outside.
“Aphrodisiac Beast? Pah! That thing doesn’t even exist. Only fools would believe that.
“Idiotic thing, my dream is to obtain Lan Xi, and now, I’ve finally gotten her! Why would I need to hide it?
“Even if she knows the truth, so what? I want her to know that I, Wang Long, still got my hands on her body!
“Haha, can she resist me? Can she do anything to me, Wang Long? Even if she tells this to everyone, who will believe it?
“At most, she will kill Lan Yanzhi. But, what does that have to do with me? After all, I’ve already gotten the thing I want the most. Hahaha…”
After laying the Concealment Formation, Wang Long satisfiedly laughed. His laughter was very despicable, and as he spoke, not only did he strip himself quickly, he even stretched his two hands towards Lan Xi.
He first lightly stroked Lan Xi’s face. When the soft and scorching feeling he got from his hand entered his mind, his desire burst irrepressibly. He shouted, “I can’t take it anymore~~~”, then extended his hand, grabbed Lan Xi’s long skirt, and with a ripping sound, her clean-white skirt was torn into pieces.