the 2010 harvest were somewhat higher than in 2011. In accordance
with this, malt α-amylase dextrinising units (DU) were higher on average for malts from the 2010 harvest. The laboratory wort filtration
volume (ml) followed similar trends in both 2010 and 2011 with the
highest volumes obtained when filtering cv Optic worts, followed by
cv Tipple and cv Quench. Laboratory wort viscosity (mPa·s) was higher
in 2011 than in 2010 for cultivar Tipple only. This is in accordance with
the observed lower friability of Tipple malts prepared in 2011. Laboratory
wort colour (EBC) followed the same trends in both 2010 and 2011 with
cv Quench producing slightly darker wort colours than cv Optic and cv