1 INTEL 8086 microprocessor based control DOIG Single quadrant converter Variable speed constant output 1987 [86]
2 Signal processor based direct self-control SFIM Voltage source inverter Speed control 1992 [87]
3 A novel PWM control strategy based on voltage
state vectors
SFIM Two level inverter Speed control 1993 [84]
4 Motorola DSP56001 based FOC and FLC DFIM Dual PWM converter Speed control 1995 [88]
5 Adaptive maximum power point tracking
DFIG Back-to-back three phase power converter Improve the overall efficiency 1995 [89]
6 Sliding mode linearized control Induction
PWM inverter Speed control 1996 [90]
7 Optimal control strategy DFIG Back-to-back three phase power converter High power efficiency 2001 [91]
8 Non classic control algorithm DOIG IGBT based voltage source converter Speed control 2002 [92]
9 PI with passivity-based control (PCB) SFIM Inverter with battery bank Speed regulation & energy balance 2003 [93],
2003 [94]
10 IDA-PCB techniques DFIM Power converter Power flow control 2004 [95]
11 FMAC scheme DFIG Back-to-back variable frequency PWM
Power stabilization 2005 [96]
12 Synthesis method with inversion principle Cascaded
Back-to-back three phase power converter Voltage control 2005 [97]
13 Coordination control DFIG Frequency-voltage regulation and maintain
the flux level
Power control 2006 [98]
14 FOC based power distribution law DFIM PWM voltage source inverters Speed control with reduced converter
2006 [99]
15 PID based decentralized non-linear control DFIG Back-to-back three phase power converter Improve transient stability 2008 [100]
16 PFNN based FOC DFIG Three phase current controlled voltage source
Voltage and frequency stability during grid
2011 [101]
17 PSO DFIG Back-to-back PWM converter Stability of grid (Sensitivity analysis of the
2012 [102]
2013 [103]
18 IFOC with FLC DFIG Back-to-back three phase power converter Power flow balance 2002 [85]
In the Above table:
FOC: Field oriented control SFIG: Singly fed induction generator
FLC: Fuzzy logic control DFIG: Doubly fed induction generator
FMAC: Flexible mandatory access control DFIM: Doubly fed induction machine
PFNN: Probabilistic fuzzy neural network DOIG: Doubly output induction generator
IFOC: Indirect flux oriented control IDA-PCB: Interconnection and damping assignment passivity-based control