stand-alone selling price is not discernible from past transactions
or other observable evidence); or
(ii) the entity has not yet established a price for that good or service
and the good or service has not previously been sold on a
stand-alone basis (ie the selling price is uncertain).
80 A combination of methods may need to be used to estimate the stand-alone
selling prices of the goods or services promised in the contract if two or more of
those goods or services have highly variable or uncertain stand-alone selling
prices. For example, an entity may use a residual approach to estimate the
aggregate stand-alone selling price for those promised goods or services with
highly variable or uncertain stand-alone selling prices and then use another
method to estimate the stand-alone selling prices of the individual goods or
services relative to that estimated aggregate stand-alone selling price
determined by the residual approach. When an entity uses a combination of
methods to estimate the stand-alone selling price of each promised good or
service in the contract, the entity shall evaluate whether allocating the
transaction price at those estimated stand-alone selling prices would be
consistent with the allocation objective in paragraph 73 and the requirements
for estimating stand-alone selling prices in paragraph 78