Skit for 3
Excerpt from the skit:
Copyright © 2011 Robert Reed All Rights Reserved
WENDY: There's a red light.
JASON: Fantastic! Let's have a Chinese fire drill. You can jump in the driver's seat if you like.
WENDY: No, Jason. I'd have to mark that as a dangerous fault, which would mean instant failure. Let's stay in the car and wait patiently for the lights to change.
JASON: Boring.
WENDY: Oh my God, that's exactly what Lizzy says about me too. I've become a clone of my mum!
(OLD LADY sits in rear of vehicle.)
OLD LADY: Take me to the bingo hall immediately, driver! I'm feeling lucky.
WENDY: This is a driving test not a taxi.
OLD LADY: Really? I'm terribly sorry... Can you take me to the library then?
JASON: I think there's a pensioner in the car!
WENDY: Keep calm, Jason. (To Old Lady.) I'm sorry, you'll have to leave the car.
OLD LADY: You certainly won't be getting a tip from me if this is your attitude. (Clutching head.) Oh, the pain! It's my heart.
WENDY: You're clutching your head.
OLD LADY: The pain is travelling quickly all around my body. You wouldn't kick a seriously ill elderly lady out into the cold, would you?