In the past , people used to eat healthy and used to eat freshly prepared food and meals .today,many young people prefer to eat fast food such as hamburgers,French-fries 0r pizza.
Obesity is defined as a condition in which the natural energy reserve of mammal,which is stored in fat ,is expanded far beyond usual levels to the point where it is believed to pose a health risk. However, some traditional foods are eaten more often than in the past and many changes have occurred, causing serious effects on individuals and society.
There are many reasons for the popularity of fast food. One of the main reasons of obesity is a change in lifestyle. Many people are working long hours,
and do not exercise regularly. Therefore, the society’s attitude toward food and change in lifestyle leads to convenient fast food, causing obesity. A second cause of obesity is lack of exercise. If you eat more food than the body needs. But do not exercise, Make fat accumulation in the body.A third cause of obesity is Mental and emotional. There is a lot of eating is based on the mind and emotions. Such as eating To quench the rage.
One of the solution of obesity is limited junk food should eat healthy and fresh food.a second of obesity is should exercise three times a week.a third of obesity is positive should positive thinking about the bad.
There are many causes of obesity, but we have to protect many other ways. Obesity causes many bad effects on the body. We should be conscious of eating and behavior. there will be far from obesity.