Search strategy and selection criteria
We did a systematic search for English-language randomised and non-randomised trials
and meta-analyses that involved human adults with chronic cancer pain and contained
data on effi cacy, side-eff ects, or both, of the treatment considered and described
relevant outcomes associated with each topic. We electronically searched Medline,
Embase, and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials from the inception of
each database to July 31, 2009. The search terms were text words and MeSH/EMTREE
terms specifi cally relevant to each outcome. We also manually searched the references
list of identifi ed papers. See appendix for further search details.
Search strategy and selection criteriaWe did a systematic search for English-language randomised and non-randomised trialsand meta-analyses that involved human adults with chronic cancer pain and containeddata on effi cacy, side-eff ects, or both, of the treatment considered and describedrelevant outcomes associated with each topic. We electronically searched Medline,Embase, and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials from the inception ofeach database to July 31, 2009. The search terms were text words and MeSH/EMTREEterms specifi cally relevant to each outcome. We also manually searched the referenceslist of identifi ed papers. See appendix for further search details.
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