cardiovascular indices and GWB. The experimental group A showed statistically significant changes in HbA1c, FBG, BMI, RHR, DBP and GWB. The control group B who were on medication alone showed a significant decrease in FBG, DBP, a significant increase in BMI and significantly negative impact on GWB scores. Literature on exercise training shows a modest response (0.5–1%)
때문에 indices) 과 심혈관 실험 A 그룹. showed 최소 현저한 변화는, statistically FBG, 몸무게 지수, 당화 피빨강이, RHR때문에 대조 그룹 이완 누르다) 과 B. A 독립 것은 의학 검색 엔진 showed 지금 FBG 최소 현저히 떨어지다 SBP, DBP, 최소 현저히 증가하다;지금 BMI 및 significantly 여성 때문에 영향을 운동 성적을 훈련. Literature 응집 반응 () A modest 0.5%).
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