Initiating RU should be a “conscious, critical thinking
process.”8 The preparatory phase, therefore, is more specific
about the need for clarity of purpose and potential significance
of internal or external factors. It reminds the user to consider,
upfront, the following:
• External, environmental factors that can influence potential
application, eg, politics, an imposed deadline, or the prioritized
goals of the organization.
• Internal, personal factors that can diminish objectivity, eg,
personal beliefs or the intuitive appeal of new interventions.
The model now directs users to be conscious of the types of
research18 to be sought and selected for review. For example,
users need to consider whether a specific type of catalyst or
specific stakeholders demand use of only experimental research.
More likely, for a nursing-related problem, a mix of research
will provide valuable insights, at times along with other types of
information such as consensus guidelines. In any case, users
should clearly differentiate the sources of relevant information
identified in a literature search and select appropriately.