Due to prescription of text-books and curriculum, teachers are restrained to confine themselves to the completion of the curricula and to follow the methodology accordingly. The text, curricula and the examination pattern dictates them to aim at assisting the learners in scoring good marks in the examination rather than facilitating them to gain fluency in the use of language. They follow prescriptive approach and emphasize more on teaching of rules than their use in different communicative situations. This results in limited exposure and makes the class room closed-ended for communicative activities. The main challenge before a grammar pedagogue is to make the class room open-ended by creating enough scope in the class room for the students to participate in the communicative activities. A grammar teacher should create such types of learner-centered communicative situations in the class room which enable a learner to repeatedly use different frequently occurring grammatical items in various life-like situations. This language exercise will not only aid the learners in developing grammatical competence but also contribute to the achievement of communicative competence.