Everyday Life / Profession:
The Scorpio New Moon permeates your interpersonal connections, makes them more intense and marks a turning point, since at the same time, Venus has reached Saturn and thus starting a new Venus-Saturn cycle. The sign of Sagittarius (where Venus and Saturn are) and Neptune (in connection with the New Moon) suggest hope for better relationships. Will you be able to be more trusting of fellow people in the future? Evaluate situations positively and advantageously, even if everything has not gone perfectly? During this New Moon, Neptune helps with the ability to let go of old issues, with cleansing, and healing. Jupiter, which is making a tense aspect to Pluto, shows that it is also about dealing with superiors or subordinates and, finally, issues of power. There is more room for your ambition again, but actually it is not about ambition for you, rather about joy at work, about your creative development. In this regard, things are looking good.
Partnership / Love:
Have you decided to do things differently and better in the future? Then you have chosen a good time and felt what is “in the air.” The turning point mentioned above definitely also applies to your personal contacts and clears the way. At the end of the week Venus makes a connection with Uranus and confirms that completely unexpected opportunities open up or that you may be suddenly very uninhibited.