The Parkinson disease was firstly recognized by a London‟s doctor name James Parkinson in 1817. Later, in 1960‟s it was found that Parkinson is associated with level of dopamine neurons. Dopamine is neurotransmitter plays a very important role in human brain and body. Dopamine releases a chemical that carries signal between nerve cells and as a result do the planning and programming of movements. With the reduced level of dopamine the movements get interrupted. About 70% of people with Parkinson shows tremor that is most prominent in hands and fingers. Stiffness in the muscles, slowness of movements and lack of coordination while doing daily routine activities are also important signs of parkinson. An exact reason for the death of dopamine is not known. Genetic factor is one of the cause of this disease.15% of the patients have their family history. Internal and external toxins reduce the dopamine production. Free radicals are also responsible for the death of dopamine. As age increases the chances of occurring this disease also increases.
Diagnosis of Parkinson disease is very difficult