Tags may be selected for compliance with certain standards. The standards may
be open, such as ISO, or they may be proprietary. It is a good practice to follow
the open and popular standards, because more companies manufacturing
products use these standards than proprietary ones, providing a wider choice of
products. In addition, these products may be cheaper due to higher volume, and
support for them may be available for a longer period.With the wide acceptance
of Gen 2 standards, it is best to use Gen 2–compliant products if you are going to
use UHF
Tags may be selected for compliance with certain standards. The standards maybe open, such as ISO, or they may be proprietary. It is a good practice to followthe open and popular standards, because more companies manufacturingproducts use these standards than proprietary ones, providing a wider choice ofproducts. In addition, these products may be cheaper due to higher volume, andsupport for them may be available for a longer period.With the wide acceptanceof Gen 2 standards, it is best to use Gen 2–compliant products if you are going touse UHF
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