Please tick which course type you are applying for. Certificate I - III Certificate IV Diploma Advanced Diploma Associate Degree Degree Degree (Honours) Postgraduate by coursework
Please indicate the course you would like to study. Use the course name and additional details as they appear in the relevant Course Index (Link).
Would you consider studying at another location, if your preferences are not available? Yes No
If you wish to apply for multiple courses, you will need to complete a separate application form for each course.
If you are applying for a Postgraduate course offering both Commonwealth Supported and Full-Fee places, do you wish to be considered for a full-fee place should a Commonwealth Supported Place not be available? No Yes (Indicating Yes will not affect your chances of gaining a Commonwealth Supported Place)
Please refer to the Postgraduate Course Index ( for details about Commonwealth Supported and Full-Fee places.
Please attach a written statement of 500 words or less, indicating your interest in this course and what you would like to achieve from your studies.
Your statement of interest could include:
Your reasons for selecting this course.
Your knowledge of the industry to which it's related.
What you hope to achieve by undertaking study in this field.
The type of career path you would like to follow when you've completed this course.
Previous studies, work and/or life experiences.
Membership of professional societies.
Details of other scholarships or prizes.
Other qualities and attributes to support your application.
Some courses require you to complete additional supplementary form(s) as part of your application. Please check if this applies to the course you are interested in.
What was your highest level of study prior to this course?
A complete Higher Education postgraduate level course
A complete Higher Education bachelor level course
A complete Higher Education sub-degree level course
An incomplete Higher Education course
A complete final year of secondary education at school or TAFE
Other qualification, complete or incomplete
No prior educational attainment
A complete VET award course
An incomplete VET award course
Year completed (or last year attempted):
What is the highest level of secondary education you have attempted or completed?
Year 12/VCE (or equivalent)
Year 12/HSC (or equivalent)
Year 11
Year 10
Year 9
Year 8 or lower
International Baccalaureate IB
Final or current year of attendance:
Name of School: State:
Where was your permanent home residence during your final year of study?
Post Code: Country: :
Was the final year completed? (please circle) YES NO
ATAR SCORE (or equivalent):
If you don’t have an ATAR we will calculate an ATAR equivalent based on your previous studies and work experience provided.