2.4.3. Larval feeding
Post-larvae were fed on artemia nauplii at 8:00, 11:00, 14:00 and 17:00 each day. Each feeding lasted 30 min. The numbers of artemia nauplii that larvae fed were calculated after each feeding. To do so, the total number of artemia nauplii fed and the number of nauplii remained after 30 min were calculated in each bucket. The number of artemia nauplii per gram was also measured for each feeding. To do so, the artemia nauplii for each feeding were sampled for one gram and the number of nauplii was counted.
2.5. Calculation and data analysis
Survival rate (SR) was calculated from SR (%) = Nt/(N0−Ns) × 100, where Nt is the number of young juveniles at the end of the experiment, N0 is the number of newly-hatched larvae at the beginning of the experiment and Ns is the number of larvae sampled for measurement during the experiment.
Developmental rate (Rd) [15] was calculated from Rd = 1/D, where D is the days of pelagic larval duration.
Temperature effect (Q10) was calculated from Q10 = [R2/R1]10/(T2−T1), where T1 and T2 are the water temperatures in different experimental groups, and R1 and R2 are the daily growth rates or the developmental rates in different experimental groups, respectively.