The PPW contains sufficient quantities of starch, cellulose,
hemicellulose, lignin and fermentable sugars to warrant use as
an ethanol feedstock. Starch is a high yield feedstock for ethanol
production, but its hydrolysis is required to produce ethanol by
fermentation. Starch was traditionally hydrolyzed by acids, but
the specificity of the enzymes, their inherent mild reaction conditions
and the absence of secondary reactions have led to the widespread
use of amylases as catalysts in this process. Starch
processing is a technology utilizing enzymatic liquefaction and
saccharification, which produces a relatively clean glucose stream
that is fermented to ethanol by Saccharomyces yeasts.
The PPW contains sufficient quantities of starch, cellulose,hemicellulose, lignin and fermentable sugars to warrant use asan ethanol feedstock. Starch is a high yield feedstock for ethanolproduction, but its hydrolysis is required to produce ethanol byfermentation. Starch was traditionally hydrolyzed by acids, butthe specificity of the enzymes, their inherent mild reaction conditionsand the absence of secondary reactions have led to the widespreaduse of amylases as catalysts in this process. Starchprocessing is a technology utilizing enzymatic liquefaction andsaccharification, which produces a relatively clean glucose streamthat is fermented to ethanol by Saccharomyces yeasts.
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