Crop culture
Sweet corn (cv. Challenger) was grown in rows 70
cm apart with 25 cm between plants within rows. On 30
October 1996, two seeds per position were sown using
jab planters. Plots were thinned after emergence to give
a uniform population of ea. 57,000 plants/ha. The area
was divided into 12 plots each measuring 11.2 x 3.6 m.
Rows were oriented east-west. Weeds were controlled
effectively by a post-planting, pre-emergent application
of a mixture of Cyanazine and Alachlor (2.5 and 7.0
Liha, respectively). Fertiliser was applied twice to each
plot through a trickle irrigation system: 200 kg/ha of
12:10:10 NPK was applied three weeks after sowing and
was followed by 200 kg N/ha as urea ea. six weeks after
sowing, giving totals of 224, 20 and 20 kg of N, P and
K per ha, respectively.