The advancement of microprocessor technology has followed a rapid pace since the advent of the first 4-bit microprocessor in 1971. From simple 4-bit architecture with limited capabilities, microprocessors have evolved towards complex 64-bit architecture with tremendous processing power. Recent developments in such areas as VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration), processor architecture, caches, coprocessors, have pushed the performance of microprocessors to an unprecedented level with ever lower cost. Today advanced processors such as DSP’s (Digital Signal Processors), RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computing) processors, and parallel processors provide ever more high computing capabilities for most demanding applications. Owing to their logic and computing capabilities, microprocessors have found applications in almost every scientific and industrial field. Conventional applications of microprocessors are mostly in computing arid data processing areas such as computers, communication systems, image and speech processing, etc.In control systems where the requirements are different from those of data processing, microprocessors capabilities have been exploited in implementing control functions and algorithms, and signal filtering.