Results and Discussion
A. Identification of bacteriocin gene in L. lactis subsp. lactis Sb 2
L. lactis subsp. lactis Sb 2 were tested for bacteriocin gene using specific primer for Nisin A. The PCR results demonstrated that 200 bp products was bacteriocin (Fig 2). Further, this PCR products was sequenced and data searched by BLAST program (Genbank) from NCBI ( with 99% homology to Nisin A. (Accession no. AF46535.1 on 24/09/2009). This result was similar to [13] that characterized Nisin Z from Lactococcus lactis N 12. Moreover, Noonpakdee [14] detected 227 bp DNA products from L. lactis WNC 20 isolated from Nham using the same specific primer for Nisin A.