Whenever that happened after battles, Weed always made sure that they had spare time, so that she could receive her treatment.
Whenever the fights ended, he applied bandages and repaired armor and weapons.
There was also a time in the past when she had this feeling.
The feeling she got when she travelled with orc Karachwi at the Yunopu Gorge.
Orc Karachwi, whose face was appallingly ugly, but whose eyes were good-natured.
Even the way they repaired weapons was very similar.
She did not talk; she carefully observed the facial expressions and eyes every time she saw someone. Although she never engaged in conversation, she was able to determine people’s moods and temperaments because of her observations.
At that moment she felt the same vibe coming from Weed that she felt from Karichwi
Seoyoon didn't understand Weed's intentions, but she knew it was him who took the appearance of Karichwi, who observed and protected her.
Although it is not always accurate, she trusted her feelings and instincts. Which was why she chose to travel with with.