12.1 (a) Any provision of this Agreement which may be deemed void, voidable, illegal or unenforceable shall not invalidate the remaining provisions of this Agreement nor affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions.
(b) Without limiting clause 12.1(a), if any provision of this Agreement is deemed void, voidable by any party, unenforceable or illegal, such provision:
(i) Shall be read construed and interpreted so as to be valid and enforceable; and
(ii) If it cannot be so construed or interpreted, the provision shall be severed from this Agreement,
without affecting the validity, legality or enforceability of the remaining provisions (or parts of those provisions) which continue in full force and effect.
(c) The provisions of clauses 12.1(a) and (b) will not apply if the application of clauses 12.1(a) and (b) would materially affect the legal or commercial arrangements intended to operate in accordance with this Agreement.