Beloveds: I want to offer again, if you feel lost, alone, in a dark place that is calling you, pulling you out of life, please reach out. I have encountered many who suffer the darkness of depression. I have seen some who could not get out of bed, many who could not eat. I recognize that depression wears a heavy, dark spirit that makes even the slightest movement feel impossible. I want to encourage you to make your list now so that if should should be overcome, you can simply reach over and make a call. On the other side of the equation, there are those of us who may know or suspect someone is suffering. To us, I say let us not act like we don't see the suffering. Let us not be stopped by feeling like we are intruding. Let us call and knock and continue to do so until we get a response. My friend Terri Williams wrote a book about her experience called Black Pain: It Just Looks Like We are Not Hurting. Depression is a mental health issue that we cannot afford to ignore. I encourage us all to learn to recognize each others pain. I invite us all to hold on to each other, take care of each other and love each other enough, to trust one another with our pain. Every life is valuable. We all matter. Let us not be fooled into thinking that money, fame or fortune will eliminate our pain. Pain is an equal opportunity oppressor! If you hurt Beloveds, please let someone know. My heart weeps for Robin Williams' family and the countless other families who have lost loved ones to the spirit of depression by their own hand. This need not be! Reach up God will hear your cry! If you can't reach up, reach out - - - someone will answer.