I would like to start this counter-debate by saying you see more drunk driving deaths than smoker deaths because news reporters report car accidents, not cancer victims.
Secondly, Please, do some research:
I would like to quote: "More deaths are caused each year by tobacco use than by all deaths from human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), illegal drug use, alcohol use, motor vehicle injuries, suicides, and murders combined"
Third, id like to inform you that your debate being typed in random caps is making me feel you don't really understand much of what you're talking about. Debating in a naive way only makes me feel as if your information is built on opinion alone. Well, maybe it's also your lack of periods and questions marks. You dont have any end to sentence and its difficult to follow.
None-the-less smoking is killing people, like it or not. Your free canada is the cleaner air. In regards to buses, cars, trucks and the sort, what has a better purpose? Cigarettes for cancer of vehicles for transportation? Not only that, but arguing the way you are could only result in the loss of something else thats great.