Idioms - losing your temper:
I lost my rag when the traffic warden gave me a ticket.
I blew my top when the traffic warden gave me a ticket.
I lost my temper in a dramatic way when she gave me a ticket.
Idioms - getting angry:
I saw red when he refused my request for a pay rise.
I got angry. (Red refers to the blood rising in your eyes!)
Noisy children make the teacher hot under the collar.
Noisy children make his blood boil.
He gets angry when children are noisy. (Both these idioms refer to the idea of being angry and getting hot.)
I'm at the end of my tether. If those children don't shut up, I'll ...
I have reached my limit, I am about to lose my temper.
Right! That's the last straw. Be quiet now!
Something has happened to finally push me over my limit. I won't tolerate this noise anymore.
Idioms - being annoyed or irritated:
He is such a pain in the neck. He's always asking for money.
He really winds me up. He's always asking for money.
He drives me up the wall. He's always asking for money.
He irritates or annoys me, usually because he does something repeatedly.
to fly off the handle (v, informal):
to be very angry
It's a pain in the neck (idiom):
It's very annoying
I'm starving (informal):
I'm very hungry
To put an animal down:
To kill an animal, usually because it is old or ill
A daddy's girl:
A woman who isn't independent but is spoilt and looked after by her father (or other father-like figure)