There are of course the obligatory fried insects but also sate, kebabs, grilled chicken, dim-sum, miang kham (tea leave packets stuffed with desiccated coconut, peanuts and ginger) and plenty of juices from locally grown fresh fruits and smoothies. There aren't many sit-down eating spots but there are plenty of takeaway curries and other dishes you can take back and eat in Mercy Hostel’s guest kitchen, for example.
A second walking street sets up every Sunday evening on Sang Khon Noi (also known as Happy Street and that’s got nothing to do with massages), which isn’t so central and a bit smaller than the Thanalai one, but it's even more relaxed and friendly. Items on display are of course very similar but the wider, more tree-lined road has more sit-down eating spots. Starting time is similar, though the more suburban Sang Khon Noi market closes down a bit earlier – usually around 23:00. It’s only a 10-minute walk from Jedyod Road or a 60 baht tu -tuk ride from the night bazaar.
Saturday walking street: Thanalai Rd, from the junction of Tri Rat to Sri Kerd Rds (one block south of the clock tower); open 17:00-00:30.
Sunday walking street: Head south on Tri Rat Rd and turn right at the junction with Chiang Rai hospital; open 17:00-23:00.