“Big Brother, the more you talk, the iffier you sound. Lin Ming is how old? How could he possibly comprehend this ‘spear potential’?”
“Of course he can’t, otherwise he simply wouldn’t need a spear to deal with Zhu Yan. All he would need is a thought to kill his enemy. Lin Ming’s spear hasn’t even bumped Zhu Yan, but Zhu Yan has still been affected. This point really looks like spear potential!”
As Ling Sen and Ta Ku were talking, Zhu Yan was once again fighting Lin Ming. Zhu Yan no longer used martial skill; he didn’t even use his magnificent and beautiful sword lights. All he used were simple, straightforward sword moves. However, even like this, he felt as if his sword was being pressed down by an invisible strength, and every stroke he made was restrained.
In contrast, Lin Ming’s moves were becoming increasingly fierce!
He was gathering his momentum!