The effects of postharvest application of fruit hardening chemical agents on fig (Ficus carica L. cv. Poona) fruit were compared with untreated figs during storage. The impact of calcium chloride (4%) was notable in terms of retention of fruit color, texture and increased accumulation of ascorbic acid, compared to untreated control figs. Pretreatment with calcium chloride (4%) was found to be most effective in checking the growth of both mesophilic aerobic bacteria and yeast and molds at low temperature (1 ± 0.5 °C; 95–98% RH) storage and it further delayed ripening and senescence of figs and was beneficial in prolonging the postharvest life twofold. Treated figs without microbial spoilage could be used for short term storage, transportation, distribution and marketing for long distance domestic markets in India.