Thanks for sending the copies of your documents. Yes, we can accept your transfer, but we still need you to take a few steps before we enroll you, as follows:
1- Please report to your current school, just so they know you have entered the US;
2- Also, please inform the school that you wish to transfer to TALK International immediately;
3- Fill out your part on the attached document "F1 Verification Form" and email it to your current school, so they can fill out their part and email it back to TALK International;
4- Please have your sponsor, Miss Pasutha Pherngkham, fill out and sign the attached "Sponsor Letter" form and email it back to me. The amount in US dollars of financial support in this letter should be a minimum of $13.000.
5- Please fill out TALK application form attached, sign and email it back to me, with payment information.
If you have any question, please let me know. :-)