In conclusion, numerous studies have investigated the influences of movie smoking or peer
influence on adolescents’ smoking behaviour, and a few have considered the differences
among ethnic/social groups. Although small, to our knowledge, our study is unique in finding
an important combined effect of movie smoking and peer influence in a context of ethnicity.
With more extensive further research, understanding such issues sensitive to cultural
differences and social behaviours in a given population could be useful information when
designed targeted social marketing strategies for behaviour change.
Peer Pressure and Adolescent Smoking
Both male and female participants said that they are often under pressure from their peers to
take up smoking. Some female participants said they avoid peers who smoke due to cultural
norms and community pressure. However, some male participants expressed a desire to
associate with their friends, irrespective of whether or not they smoked, and reported
experiencing difficulty in refusing to join in smoking.
Some male participants felt uncomfortable with allowing friends to smoke alone and said that
they wanted to be sociable. One participant said
Being with peer smoker without smoking put me into pressure of how he would think
about our relationship… always felt that I am not welcomed.
This put them in an awkward position, where they did not want to isolate themselves from peers
who smoke and neither did they wish to be ignored or teased for not smoking.
In conclusion, numerous studies have investigated the influences of movie smoking or peerinfluence on adolescents’ smoking behaviour, and a few have considered the differencesamong ethnic/social groups. Although small, to our knowledge, our study is unique in findingan important combined effect of movie smoking and peer influence in a context of ethnicity.With more extensive further research, understanding such issues sensitive to culturaldifferences and social behaviours in a given population could be useful information whendesigned targeted social marketing strategies for behaviour change.Peer Pressure and Adolescent SmokingBoth male and female participants said that they are often under pressure from their peers totake up smoking. Some female participants said they avoid peers who smoke due to culturalnorms and community pressure. However, some male participants expressed a desire toassociate with their friends, irrespective of whether or not they smoked, and reportedexperiencing difficulty in refusing to join in smoking.Some male participants felt uncomfortable with allowing friends to smoke alone and said thatthey wanted to be sociable. One participant saidBeing with peer smoker without smoking put me into pressure of how he would thinkabout our relationship… always felt that I am not welcomed.This put them in an awkward position, where they did not want to isolate themselves from peerswho smoke and neither did they wish to be ignored or teased for not smoking.
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