Anticoagulated whole blood samples (05cc) were
collected from total 130 pregnant women attended
in the outpatient department of Isra University
Hospital, Hyderabad. The blood samples from all
subjects were analyzed by automated
hematological analyzer (Nihon kohden, MEK
6318) by volumetric impedance technique for the
detection of thrombocytopenia in women with
pregnancy-induced hypertension.
All the subjects were divided into these groups
according to the severity of the disease.
I. Women having diastolic pressure less than
100mm.Hg and proteinuria more than
300mg/24hrs or significantly increase
from base line were considered as a mild
preeclampsia and kept in sub-group 1a.
II. Women having high blood pressure i.e.,
systolic pressure greater then 160mm.Hg
and diastolic pressure 110mm.Hg on two
occasions atleast 6 hrs before during bed
rest. Also after biochemical analysis when
proteinuria was greater than 5gm/24 hrs in
urine sample and any symptoms
disturbances, epigastric or right upper
quadrant pain, restriction of fetal growth,
impaired liver function, pulmonary edema,
oliguria less than 500ml/24hrs and
thrombocytopenia were considered as
“sever pre-eclamptic women” and were
kept in the sub-group 1b.
III. Women affected with convulsions and
having the signs of pre-eclampsia during
pregnancy or within seven days after
delivery and are not caused by epilepsy or
any other convulsive disorders were
treated as “eclamptic women” and taken in
group 2.
IV. Those women who were normotensive
were considered as control group and
kept in group 3.
All the data obtained after experimental work were
analyzed statistically by SPSS version16, Chisquare
test and student T-test to compare the
findings between the affected and control group.
Statistically P-value
MATERIALS AND METHODSAnticoagulated whole blood samples (05cc) werecollected from total 130 pregnant women attendedin the outpatient department of Isra UniversityHospital, Hyderabad. The blood samples from allsubjects were analyzed by automatedhematological analyzer (Nihon kohden, MEK6318) by volumetric impedance technique for thedetection of thrombocytopenia in women withpregnancy-induced hypertension.All the subjects were divided into these groupsaccording to the severity of the disease.I. Women having diastolic pressure less than100mm.Hg and proteinuria more than300mg/24hrs or significantly increasefrom base line were considered as a mildpreeclampsia and kept in sub-group 1a.II. Women having high blood pressure i.e.,systolic pressure greater then 160mm.Hgand diastolic pressure 110mm.Hg on twooccasions atleast 6 hrs before during bedrest. Also after biochemical analysis whenproteinuria was greater than 5gm/24 hrs inurine sample and any symptomsdisturbances, epigastric or right upperquadrant pain, restriction of fetal growth,impaired liver function, pulmonary edema,oliguria less than 500ml/24hrs andthrombocytopenia were considered as“sever pre-eclamptic women” and werekept in the sub-group 1b.III. Women affected with convulsions andhaving the signs of pre-eclampsia duringpregnancy or within seven days afterdelivery and are not caused by epilepsy orany other convulsive disorders weretreated as “eclamptic women” and taken ingroup 2.IV. Those women who were normotensivewere considered as control group andkept in group 3.All the data obtained after experimental work wereanalyzed statistically by SPSS version16, Chisquaretest and student T-test to compare thefindings between the affected and control group.Statistically P-value <0.05 was consideredsignificant.
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