In Experiments 1 and 2, the to-be-studied stimuli were presented one by one. The aim of Experiment 3 was to examine whether a differential binding of colors to objects occurs also when differentially colored objects are embedded in visual scenes so that all colors are present during a study trial. The material, design, and procedure were similar to Experiment 2 with the difference that four different objects colored in red, blue, yellow, or green were together shown in simple visual scenes (see Figure Figure3C3C, left panel). In addition, to further address the role of potentially confounding effects of low-level color attributes, in Experiment 3, the used colors were additionally pairwise equated on saturation. We expected to find a similar pattern of results than that observed in Experiments 1 and 2, with better color memory when visual objects were colored red than when they were colored yellow, blue, or green.