Not only do older people have more frequent spells of ill ness, they experience more long-term disability and more chronic degenerative disease. The suicide rate among the over-60s in Singapore is twice the national average (and one of the highest in the world). The suicide rate among the over-75s is 2-3 times that of the middle aged, 4-8 times that of the 15-24s. The In stitute of Mental Health estimates that 3% of the over-60s suffer from depression: Indians (especially Indian women) are the most at risk. About 45.5% of new cases of end-stage renal disorder were 60 and above. About 83% of hospital admissions for hip fractures were over 65. Alzheimer’s Dementia affects 5% of Singaporeans over the age of 65: 2.2% of men and 7.8% of women. More than half the pedestrians killed on Singapore’s roads are over 60