Question:Planting a tree is one of the best things you can do for your local environment and for the planet because:
a. They produce oxygen
b. They remove carbon dioxide and contaminants from the air
c. They provide habitat for birds and other wildlife
d. All of the above
Question 2
คะแนน: 1
Question:An anemometer is used to measure what?
a. Air Temperature
b. pressure
c. Wind speed
d. Water vapor content
Question 3
คะแนน: 1
Question:The water in the Pacific Ocean near the equator gets hotter than usual and affects the atmosphere and weather around the world. What’s the matter?
a. Greenhouse Effect
b. El Niño
c. La Niña
d. Global Warming
Question 4
คะแนน: 1
Question:Trying to predict the weather is known as weather. This prediction is called the weather...
a. Meteorologists
b. Forecast
c. Weather
d. Foggy
Question 5
คะแนน: 1
Question:What country experiences the most tornadoes?
a. U.S.A
b. Thailand
c. Singapore
d. Vietnam
Question 6
คะแนน: 1
Question:Which answer below is correct?
a. The sun ALWAYS sets in the east and rises in the west.
b. Earth is positioned as the fifth planet
c. The sun is directly above your head that means its noon.
d. All Answers are correct
Question 7
คะแนน: 1
Question:What is the purpose of the Moon?
a. Tidal
b. Season
c. Day and Night
d. All Answers are correct
Question 8
คะแนน: 1
Question:Which answer below is correct?
a. The Earth covers the atmosphere. It is very thick layer of mixed gases which make up the air we breathe.
b. Land covers 80 percent of Earth's surface.
c. Oceans cover about 10 percent of Earth's surface.
d. The biosphere is the part of Earth's atmosphere, land, and oceans that supports any living plant, animal, or organism.
Question 9
คะแนน: 1
Question:Earth' s recent temperature rises which have been linked to human activity is known as …
a. Greenhouse Effect
b. El Niño
c. La Niña
d. Global Warming
Question 10
คะแนน: 1
Question:What is the main factor agents of soil erosion?
a. Animal
b. Water and Wind
c. Temperature
d. Rock and mineral
Question 11
คะแนน: 1
Question:The greenhouse effect is caused by....
a. Greenhouse gases in the lower atmosphere absorbing solar radiation
b. Greenhouse gases in the lower atmosphere absorbing radiation from the Earth's surface, and preventing much of it escaping into space
c. Too much heat in the atmosphere
d. Too much sunshine reaching Earth
Question 12
คะแนน: 1
Question:The first layer above the surface and contains half of Earth's atmosphere. Weather occurs in this layer. Which is the layers of the Earth's atmosphere?
a. Troposphere
b. Stratosphere
c. Thermosphere
d. Mesosphere
Question 13
คะแนน: 1
Question:The North of Thailand in December, the weather is
a. Hot
b. Heavy rain
c. Cool
d. Snow
Question 14
คะแนน: 1
Question:A HYGROMETER is used to measure what?
b. pressure
d. Water vapor content
Question 15
คะแนน: 1
Question:What can we do to save the earth, except?
a. Use recycled products
b. Use public transport
c. Throw a lot of trash into a river
d. Use bicycle
Question 16
คะแนน: 1
Question:The water in the same area along the equator gets colder than usual.
a. Greenhouse Effect
b. El Niño
c. La Niña
d. Global Warming
Question 17
คะแนน: 1
Question:Many airplanes fly in the stratosphere, because it is very stable. Which is the layers of the Earth's atmosphere?
a. Troposphere
b. Stratosphere
c. Thermosphere
d. Mesosphere
Question 18
คะแนน: 1
Question:A thermometer is a device used to measure what?
a. Air Temperature
b. Pressure
c. Wind speed
d. Water vapor content
Question 19
คะแนน: 1
Question:Could acid rain be considered to have a...
a. global impact
b. Regional impact
c. Local impact
d. All of the above
Question 20
คะแนน: 1
Question:The ozone layer absorbs harmful rays from the Sun. Which is the layers of the Earth's atmosphere?
a. Troposphere
b. Stratosphere
c. Thermosphere
d. Mesosphere